Monday 15 April 2013

Spring has finally sprung!

The two weeks' Easter break has been absolutely awful in terms of weather. We had the coldest Easter since esrly sixties,  and it even snowed some days.

That wasn't necessarily a bad thing though. This way, I didn't feel guilty for not going outside and getting active with Lewis every day. We did go out a lot, but there were days when we just stayed inside and chilled. Excellent.

Yesterday the sun & warmth finally appeared again, and life felt GOOD!
Lewis and I took our bikes and went out for a long ride.
Today he wanted to go out on his bike again, so we headed down to Lloyds Park.

I am so looking forward to Summer

Saturday 13 April 2013

Lined Pillowcase Tutorial

Pillowcase Dress Age 18 months

I have been looking for a tutorial for a lined pillowcase dress, and not found one, so I've decided to attempt my own tutorial. Please contact me if you have any queries.

You need:
Pre-washed fabric (not even a metre of each)
A copy of this dress pattern: CLICK on LINK (from LBG studio)
Safety Pin

1. Cut out your pieces
1. Cut out two dress pieces from your main fabric and 2 from your lining. Also cut out one piece for the shoulder strap. I made mine 1.5 metre x 12cm.

2. Press your bias tape
2. Heat up your iron real hot, and press your shoulder strap into a bias tape. Tutorial here: Bias tutorial.

3. Sew your shoulder strap

3. Sew close to the open edges and create a shoulder strap. This can be any size you want. You can even use an old tie!
4. Sew your lining together at side

4. Take your lining pieces and with right sides together, sew along the sides. Then press the seams. (I never use pins at this stage, but it's probably a wise thing to do.) The seam allowance is 1,5cm. 
If you are adding any lace to the bottom of the dress, add it to the lining pieces BEFORE you stitch them together!

5. Now do the same with your main fabric, not forgetting to press your seams.

6. Press a 2cm hem, and stitch!
6. Press your hem on your lining and your main fabric. Use a 2 cm seam allowance when stitching.
7. Pin fabrics together and stitch
7. Now take your pieces; your main fabric inside out and your lining fabric the right way. Put the lining dress inside the main fabric dress, and match up your seams. Pin around the arm holes and the top (straight) bit. Stitch with 1.5 cm seam allowance.
8. Trim seam allowances and clip around curves.
9. Turn dress right side out and press.
10. Pin, press and stitch the top edge towards the lining. This is the casing for the strap.

11. Now attach a safety pin to your strap, and feed through your casing!

And you're done! You could even make this a reversible dress!
Good luck. 

Monday 14 March 2011

Thursday 2 December 2010

A fox!

Not sure if you can see it, but this fox was only a few metres away from me. I was on my way to nursery, and he just stared at me.

Monday 22 November 2010



I saw this amazing creation on our gate when I came home from work one night.